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Choosing You

Trust Yourself

If you deeply trusted that everything would be OK…

What would you create this year? 

What could you let go of?

What might you express?


Trusting yourself can be hard, but it’s harder not to.


Trust is a muscle you can build.

Learn to trust yourself one moment at a time in this small group experience dedicated to the practice of cultivating trust. 

Trust Yourself

You’re a “make it happen” kind of person. You’ve got big dreams for your life.

But it’s hard to reach for them when you aren’t sure of them, or trust you could make them happen.

Getting clear on what you really want takes time, energy and focus.

You need quiet to hear the whispers of your inner knowing.

It takes trust to slow down and listen.

Life is so full and moves so fast that completing your “must do” tasks means you barely have enough time for yourself most days.

Letting go of doing more risks disappointing someone.

But here’s the truth.

Repeatedly abandoning yourself to take care of others leads to burnout, resentment, and disconnection from your dreams, and the people you love most.

What if you could trust that choosing yourself was the exact right thing to do?

Trusting yourself can be hard, but it’s harder not to.

When you don’t trust, you:

  • Need to control things to feel safe
  • Take on responsibilities that aren’t yours
  • Live with fear that stops you
  • Struggle to achieve
  • Hold on to people, things, ideas + ways of being that no longer serve you

Without deep trust: you feel anxious, and separate from your own Source energy.

There is another way to live with less struggle, more peace and ease.

When you truly trust yourself and trust life, you:

  • Make good choices aligned with your values and your highest good
  • Stop taking responsibility for other people’s feelings, words and actions
  • Let go of control, stop struggling
  • Feel deeply supported
  • Naturally magnetize the things, people + opportunities into your life that are meant for you.

With deep trust, you gain clarity of your heart’s desires and move through resistance to create the life you’ve dreamed of.

Because you know deep down that everything is going to be OK, you’re not afraid to ask for what you need.

You can embrace, love and integrate all parts of yourself. Even the disowned shadow parts that once made you feel shame.

Your relationships improve because you let other people be as they are, and let yourself be fully who you are.

You have the tools to hold yourself through the challenging moments, so you can maintain your center even amidst the storm.

Trust lights up what is sacred inside of you, and burns away obstacles to achieving what you deeply want.

Choosing you, choosing to trust, allows you to tap into the infinite potential which has always been inside you.

With deep trust, you can rewrite the story that tells you how much happiness, peace, love, success and contentment you are allowed to feel.

How do you learn to trust yourself?

By getting quiet and listening to your inner voice.

By loving and caring for the parts of you that have felt neglected.

By showing up and nourishing yourself, giving yourself what you most need.

By practicing keeping your promises to yourself.

By setting small goals and intentions and meeting them.

By having the courage to disappoint others before disappointing yourself.

Choosing you is a one of a kind group program where you will create a deeply loving, trusting relationship with yourself and life.

So you can relax knowing that you can create the life you most deeply want, and stop working so damn hard to make it happen.

Tune into and honor yourself. Your inner wisdom. Your inner knowing. Your truth.

Each month we will go deep into a step along the journey. Topics will be explored with our bodies, minds and spirits.

Creating the space to nourish yourself

Identify your needs

Feel your feelings

Cultivate Self Compassion

Discern healthy boundaries

Befriend your fears

Nervous system regulation

Know your truth

Express yourself clearly

Intuitive movement as medicine

Learn to feel your feelings and regulate your emotions so you can express yourself from your wise mind.

Feel the support of a group of like minded women, the universe and your own loving guides as you create

“When you stop pushing, THAT’S when the magic happens.”

    About Your Facilitator

Hi, I’m Kelsey.

I am a transformational life coach, acupuncturist, and Slow Power advocate for hard working women who are ready to achieve their goals in a new, better, and more joyful way.

I’ve helped hundreds of high-achieving women who are exhausted by the constant drive to “do it all,” slow down, choose themselves, and create a path to greater health, success and fulfillment, both at work and at home.

What I have discovered again and again with myself and others I work with is that when you stop pushing, THAT’S when the magic happens. 

Self care isn’t selfish, it’s essential. Living with Slow Power means cultivating your own wellbeing so you can meet your goals with ease.

This exceeded my hopes for a spacious and grounding, woman-centered, loving, supportive community environment.  I loved how the program incorporated the natural surroundings, which, for me, facilitated working through some big emotional challenges.  I feel lighter, more open to possibilities, and with the mental space to problem-solve in a way I hadn’t felt before.

Ruby G.

I had some huge openings around rest, boundaries, self compassion, resistance, all within a loving and supportive container.After this Slow Power experience, I feel more embodied, relaxed, and connected to my needs and goals.

Carolyn J.

I feel like I can see a path forward. I’m excited for the first time in a long time about having a purpose and a vision for doing things MY way, in my feminine energy.

Teresa L.

This work is honestly life-changing. For the first time in my life, I really took the time to dig deep in a calm, slow, and nourishing environment. I came away feeling so happy, calm, and grounded and with a newfound appreciation of what it means to slow down and how much more we can get out of life if we do. And the connections that I made with other women allowed for an even more meaningful experience.

Renie D.

kelsey lowitz acupuncture oakland ca qi gong meditation life coach

Choosing you is a year long experience, because this kind of deep transformation takes time.

We start February 29th.

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