Get in Touch

Slow Power Retreat

Gather in Community

Reconnect with Yourself

Cultivate Slow Power


When was the last time you were fully present with yourself and asked, “What do I really want?”

Or explored who you are now, what you want to create next and what you’ll need to make it happen?

Success in all other aspects of life sits on the foundation of your relationship to yourself. It’s the most important relationship you’ll ever have.

Yet, in our hectic lives filled with to-do lists, schedules, deadlines and persistent productivity demands, quiet time for self-reflection often falls by the wayside. 

The constant rush leaves us disconnected from our own needs and desires, unable to heed the quiet calls of our hearts.

Attempts to reconnect are often thwarted by distractions.

…You go on a walk, but you listen to a podcast, or call a friend to chat. 

…You go into nature and bring a journal, but succumb to your phone screen.

… You sit down to meditate, but racing thoughts make it too uncomfortable.

Your resistance to solitude is real, making it even more challenging to choose yourself and find balance in an increasingly noisy and demanding world.

But there’s another way. Enter Slow Power.

Kelsey's hand on her heart
Beautiful nature looking up into the tree tops

Slow Power is the clarity of intuition, vitality in the body, and openness of the heart that come from letting go and slowing life down. Unlike the “do more to get ahead” approach encouraged by our culture (that inevitably leads to resentment and burnout), this kind of power will leave you fulfilled and energized as you take your life to the next level.

Through Slow Power practices and self-compassion, discover your inner wisdom: 

  • Navigate and embrace difficult emotions, experience and celebrate joy.
  • Feel alive with creative power.
  • Find inspiration and motivation to pursue what matters most to you.
  • Cultivate vitality and channel it into creating a deeply satisfying life. 

Join us in community at the Slow Power Retreat to embark on this transformative journey.

Slow Power Closing Circle

Choose yourself

Slow down over 3 days and 3 nights in a beautiful natural setting, with a supportive community of like-minded souls.

  • Experience periods of silence, meditation, self reflection and journaling.
  • Gain skills, tools and insights for Slow Power integration into daily life.
  • Practice gentle movement (Qigong, yoga, hiking) to connect you to your body and breath.
  • Experience belonging in a community of incredible women
  • Savor three healthy flavorful vegetarian meals each day (that you don’t have to cook!)
  • Sleep deeply away from the daily noise of our responsibilities and distractions.

“So simple and yet so powerful: I feel rested and whole. I feel so much clarity and gratitude coming out of the weekend, and readiness for the next things. I know I can take on the challenges I’m facing and stay balanced through it all.”

– Shannon T.

Slow Power Retreat participants enjoying a delicious meal
Slow Power Retreat participants joyfully dancing

Retreat Details:


Thursday evening, Oct. 24 through Sunday afternoon Oct. 27, 2024


Mount Madonna Retreat Center, 445 Summit Rd. Watsonville, CA

Enjoy 380 acres of redwoods, rolling meadows, and open vistas with gorgeous views and peaceful spaces.


Retreat pricing is all inclusive. Fee includes 3 nights lodging and all meals along with three days of Slow Power retreat programming. Daily guided movement practices Qigong/ Yoga are included as well as an opportunity to use the pool and hot tub. (Optional body work is also available.)

Housing options:

  • Single room $1377
  • Single cabin $1277
  • Double room $1177
  • Triple room*: $977
  • Camping: Own vehicle or tent: $777

*Triple room is only available if 3 people choose this option. [If you are interested in that option, let me know. OR….Bring 2 friends to make it happen!]


Payment plans available.

To sign up, email Kelsey to secure your spot, pick your housing option, and arrange payment.

If this is aligned with your goals but the price is out of reach, let me know via email. I have a sliding scale and an assisting spot available.

Slow Power retreat location showing beautiful redwood forest
Slow Power Retreat participants eating a delivious meal
Slow Power Retreat participants doing yoga outside

“I was surprised by, enjoyed and appreciated the incredible community that you and we created – fast! 😉 I felt all the benefits of this place: kind people, nourishing food, beautiful trees, time and space, pool/sauna dips, meditation practice with guidance. I feel grounded, connected and more clear.”

– Elizabeth S.

Why now?

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, October is the perfect time to let go of the hustle-bustle of summer energy and start nourishing your yin energy for a healthy, balanced Fall and Winter.

If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself, your motivation and your power, and long to experience this deep slowing down, now’s the time.

You deserve a break. I would love for you to join us!

Slow Power Retreat participants sharing joyfully in a circle
Slow Power Retreat participants meditating


What past participants have said about the Slow Power Retreat:

“The weekend was honestly life-changing. For the first time in my life, I really took the time to dig deep in a calm, slow, and nourishing environment. I came away from the weekend feeling so happy and grounded, with a newfound appreciation of what it means to slow down and how much more we can get out of life if we do. AND – there was the added benefit of meeting so many amazing women. The connections that were made allowed for an even more meaningful experience.”

– Renie D.

“The retreat was incredible! I had huge openings around rest, boundaries, self compassion, and resistance, all within a loving and supportive container.”

– Caroline J.

“This retreat was one of the best times of my life, to be honest. I went into the weekend nervous and resistant, and by Saturday I was all in, enjoying searching within myself and nature for some profound realizations and insights. By Sunday, I kept saying that I felt so joyful, which I am not sure is a word I have never used before! I got clarity on important questions I was asking myself. I enjoyed everything about the retreat and really felt my body, mind, and nervous system healing.”

– Lily A.

“It was so nourishing to make space for myself and my creativity. I had a blast writing in the woods, and I was so pleased by what it produced!!”

– Molly K.

Slow Power Retreat participants Relaxing and connecting
Slow Power Retreat participants relaxing
Slow Power Retreat participants hiking in the woods