Closing out Your Year with Clarity
It’s hard to believe another year is already coming to a close. Sometimes my life moves so fast, it all feels like a blur. This year was no exception. Where did my time and energy go? What did I accomplish? What am I most proud of? How can I learn from my challenges...
5 Tips to Create Space for the Things that Matter Most
It’s that time of the year again when we’re reminded to celebrate love. Lately, I’ve been thinking about all the different kinds of love, and how good it feels to give love to a willing recipient. Which makes me wonder, why is it so hard to make yourself the...
Setting your Intentions for the Year
For me, the rising New Year, (and by that I mean the whole month of January,) means taking a step back for a fresh look at what I’m doing and where I’m going. It’s an opportunity to let go of the past year, and what I did or didn’t achieve or make happen, and honor...
Ready to Stop Doing it All?
I hope you’re feeling relaxed and restored after some time off over the long Thanksgiving weekend. Whether you spent it locally or traveling, with family or friends, in nature or shopping, I hope you did something that filled your heart and soul. While the holiday...