Anger is a Messenger
Young girls are taught to “be good.” Good girls are kind, patient and pretty. They’re not aggressive or bossy, and they don’t get angry. Whether that was told to us directly or it was modeled by our mothers, teachers or culture, we know in our bones that “anger is...
Slow Power is Simple, but not Always Easy
Let me be real with you. Slow Power isn’t always easy for me. [wd_hustle id=”2″ type=”popup”]Click[/wd_hustle] When I’m afraid or feel out of control about a situation in my life, like if I’m caught in a conflict with someone, or I need to set...
I was in a rut. I got out. I’ll tell you how.
January started out with a thud for me. Even though I was so ready to let 2020 go, the fresh start in 2021 did little to motivate me towards setting any new goals. I was in a rut. Knowing that my early morning iPhone news reading habit which had started pre-election...
Living with Uncertainty
Humans love knowing, being sure of things. We feel safe when we feel certain and in control. So we create plans, structures and routines to help us know what comes next, and feel comfortable. But right now, there’s so much that’s up in the air, so many unknowns, we...